
instagram lately: stockholm weekend

Once again I brought my camera but didn't use it. Instagram has made me lazy. I spent the weekend haggling at flea markets (and getting tired of the line "it's very old"), eating ice cream (saffron flavored, yum) in the sun, walking through Gamla stan, eating handmade toffees, catching up with my brother and his fiancé plus meeting a couple whose wedding I'm shooting in June. Good times.

Återigen bar jag runt på kameran utan att använda den. Instagram har gjort mig lat. Jag har prutat på loppmarknader (och tröttnat på motiveringen "den är faktiskt jättegammal"), ätit glass (saffran, mums) i solen, promenerat genom Gamla stan, ätit finkola, fikat med min bror och hans fästmö och träffat ett kommande brudpar. Bra helg!


  1. i love that first shot! it's absolutely breath-taking. amazing what we can do with portable technology these days, isn't it?

    that salad also looks delicious...i might actually steal the idea for lunch today...hmm. :)

  2. your weekend sounds wonderful!
    i've gotten quite lazy with pictures as well but have made it a summer goal to use my camera just as much as using instagram (which, i'll be honest, is quite a lot!)


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