

This is what I came home to yesterday. After sitting down for too many hours (bus + el + airplane + airplane + train + car) I really needed a walk and the evening light by the water was perfect. It seems like the sun appeared just for my homecoming yesterday, because today it's back to the heavy rain that seems to be all Sweden is going to get this summer. (All photos taken with my iPhone through Instagram)

Det här är vad jag kom hem till igår. Efter att ha suttit still i alldeles för många timmar (buss + el + flygplan + flygplan + tåg + bil) behövde jag röra på mig och kvällsljuset vid havet var perfekt. Det verkar som att solen kom fram bara för min skull, för idag är ösregnet tillbaka. Undrar om det någonsin blir riktigt sommar i Sverige. (Alla bilder tagna med min iPhone genom Instagram)


  1. strandbilderna är helt ljuvliga. sitter inne på ett kontor och drömmer mig bort. hehe.

  2. lovely, just lovely. the light looks perfect! i'm glad you were able to capture it before the rain. :)

  3. Beautiful photos, the third one is amazing! x

  4. Same here in the UK - I missed the Olympic torch coming through my town yesterday due to torrential rain fall...
    The images from the beach are gorgeous - the light is breathtaking.

  5. That second photo with a cat is so pretty. I love it! :)

  6. Like always, awesome pictures, how you manage to take the photos out of instagram with such a good quality?

  7. Really beautiful... as always ☁

  8. I really love the second picture.

  9. Your pictures are gorgeous Hilda. x

  10. Watching this, during golden hour when the sun is low and the light is soft, listening the climax (around 5 min 30 sec) of Perpetual Lights by the Franz von Chossy Quintet is so so so beautiful. For a moment I felt as if I where in a beautiful movie. Thank you.

  11. Billede 3 er så SYGT flot! Det ligner noget taget med spejlrefleks et sted i Afrika!

  12. Dreaming of a summer in sweden! seems perfect!

  13. These are so good. And even better as a collection. Beautiful, as always.I love second photo!


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