

I'm spending my days (and nights) editing photos for clients, which means no time for personal work (this post was even typed up while making lunch). I'm trying my best to ignore the sunshine that has finally arrived, as well as the fact that tomorrow it is supposed to rain again. These random Instagram shots from Chicago are all I have to share right now, hope you enjoy.

Jag tillbringar dag och natt med att redigera bilder åt kunder och gör mitt bästa för att ignorera solskenet där ute. De här Instagramrutorna från Chicago är det enda jag har att visa just nu, hoppas ni gillar dem.


  1. i hope you have some time to enjoy the sunshine before the rain starts! :)

  2. Beautiful pictures!
    I live in Montreal and I'd spend a few days in Chicago, but the accommodations seem really expensive! Have you some plans cheaper? I would love to go! It sounds great!
    Thank you very much!

    1. I usually stay with friends in Chicago, but when I was there in April we found a really good deal on expedia.com, so I would check there!

  3. I've been following your blog for some time now. How funny to come across this post - I live near Lincoln Square in Chicago. Just beautiful!

  4. Lovely images! Can you tell me more about the first one "DAVIS"?

  5. Lovely blog and lovely photographs. Makes me want to travel again.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. don't worry. Take time for your clients!

  8. oh that green sign is amazing!

  9. Wow. Amazing pictures! Love them.

  10. Your photos are pretty. I especially love the fourth one :)

  11. I hope you're having fun while working, these pictures really makes me wish I could travel there right now! Is it as windy as the rumors say?

    Good luck and I hope you'll get to enjoy the sunshine some time soon!

  12. I am impressed that these are all instagram, which goes to show that the photographer, not the camera, determines the success of a photograph. Happy to see my home, Chicago, through the eyes of a visitor.


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