
a post blueberry picking dip

.7540 .7537 .7563 .7549 I went blueberry picking in the woods with a friend the other day. Afterwards we really felt like a swim, so we drove to a tiny lake and took a dip in the black water. Now I'm off to eat the blueberries I picked, on top of waffles. Oh sweet summertime.

Häromdagen plockade jag och Rebecka blåbär, och efteråt kände vi oss så sugna på att bada. Så vi körde till en liten sjö och tog ett dopp i det svarta vattnet. Nu ska jag gå och äta de där blåbären, på våfflor. Härliga sommartid.


  1. Such a beautiful photos ,i wish i could pick blueberrys on the wood too!

  2. This is Summertime! I am starting my vacation right now and leaving in two days to join the water and the trees and to play it adventurous, yeah! Your last picture is really beautiful.

  3. that sounds SO perfect. i wish i'd been there with you - the lake looks absolutely lovely! and blueberries make any kind of meal that much better. (even waffles!!)

  4. What a lovely day spent! With we had places like these here in Manila. Such a nice place to have a getaway.

  5. Your photos always are so sharp and fresh and beautiful <3

  6. perfect!! this reminds me.I still didn't open a swimming season thisummer =/

  7. Vilka fina bilder! Och vilken himla fin blogg.

  8. ramlade precis in har, lite sadar via via,
    och ar lite kar i din blogg! sadar vid forsta ogonkastet.
    jattevackra bilder.

  9. Oh man, looks like total summer bliss!! I'd love to dip my toes in that lake. Beautiful photos as always!

  10. That's fun!! I feel like swimming now! :P

  11. Oh, such a lovely summer day. I'd love to spend a few hours in that beautiful deck.

  12. I've always wanted to go berry picking (I'm a city girl through and through) it seems like the perfect summer activity.

  13. Such beautiful summer photos. The way you use natural light is amazing...

  14. Amazing post! This website is my favorite, I like all type of flowers and this website look then I feel love with flowers.


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