
light & skies & water

Hi there. I am alive, in case you were starting to wonder. But my arms and shoulders won't let me sit in front of the computer (or do much else). Really frustrating, since I have so much work to do and projects I want to do. So for now, here's a few iPhone snaps of light and skies and water from the past few weeks. See you soon (hopefully).

Hej. Jag lever, ifall ni börjat undra. Men mina axlar och armar vill inte låta mig arbeta vid datorn (eller göra mycket annat heller). Riktigt frustrerande, eftersom jag har så mycket jobb att göra och projekt som jag vill göra. Så tills vidare tittar vi lite på ljus och himmel och vatten, fångat med iPhonen de senaste veckorna. VI ses snart (hoppas jag).


  1. Gosh I'm so sorry about the pain, Hilda. Hope you feel better soon.
    I have missed your posts though. You managed to even make iPhone photos look stunning!

  2. I like so much your photos!!

    the pro ones, and the iphone as much.

    You have a fan in South America (who much regrets not living closer for being able to buy the vintage furniture from your former home!!!!)

  3. completely took these for film shots. so lovely.

  4. hilda! lovely redesign!! :)

    also, these are gorgeous shots...that make me feel like they could be either spring or fall, depending on one's mood.

  5. Wow! those pictures are stunning and with your Iphone!!, incredible : )


  6. extremt vackert!
    ta hand om och var snall mot kroppen.

  7. get well soon!!
    gorgeous photos, as always=)

  8. That first image leaves me breathless...

  9. That first picture is really perfection. I hope you feel better soon.

  10. Hej! Hjälper det inte om du stannar medan du arbetar med dator? Jah har en stor trälådan på bordet och dator på det, mina axlar är relaxed och kroppen glad. Men lådan måste vara precis lagom höjd, annars det blev inte bra.
    Om det går inte, ta en paus och kom till Berlin, jag gärna skulle vilja träffa dig :)

    Ha det bättre,

  11. Beautiful light! Emily xx Check out my photography blog: http://emsdarkroom.blogspot.co.uk/

  12. that first photo makes my heart skip. oh so beautiful.

  13. It's amazing that these came from an iPhone. They are imperfect yet so perfect as well!

    My best goes to you... I hope you feel better soon!

  14. thanks so much for your well wishes everyone!

  15. Väldigt vackra bilder! Blev förvånad att det var iphone bilder ;p

  16. these are incredible Hilda! they are kind of different from your usual work what makes them very special in a way.

    hope you get well soon!

    x from brazil.



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