
wedding : lisa & ulrik

.7719 .7797 .7948 .7965 .7785 .8050 .8070 .7662 Speaking of behind, I just realized I haven't posted more than sneak peeks from this wedding season yet! This is Lisa and Ulrik. They got married outside Linköping in May, when the birch leaves were that super chlorophyll-y shade of green and the wood anemones were in full bloom. Oh, and we ran into a goat.

På tal om att ligga efter så insåg jag just att jag inte har visat mer än tjuvkikar från den här bröllopssäsongen! Det här är Lisa och Ulrik. De gifte sig utanför Linköping i maj, när björklöven var sådär dunder-klorofyll-gröna och vitsipporna var i full blom. Och så kom en get och promenerade förbi.


  1. These pictures are so fairy-tale like. I particularly love the one on the bottom with the umbrella.
    Well done!

  2. that goat is hilarious! (the tongue-sticking-out shot is the best! haha) and these shots are gorgeous. i love how well you capture people who are in love! :)

  3. Så utrolig fine bilder! :-)
    elsker det siste!!

  4. marry me in the forest. that´s what we are planning. wonderful.

  5. Aww what a cute photo shoot! That goat is too much :)

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. The Polka Dot Wellies are soooooo freaking cute!


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