
things I miss

.2399 .3715 .4137 .0226 .9816 .0928 .2407 .9510 .1936 .3869 .9255 I couldn't move anything with me here to Oslo, so all my things are in storage in Sweden. I don't miss as many things as I thought I would, but I do miss these: My favorite coffee cup, my favorite plates, my mixer (for making smoothies), my art and crafts materials and my typewriter (for writing letters). Plus the light in my old kitchen, the kitchen in my current apartment doesn't even have a window.

Här i Oslo har jag inga av mina saker hos mig, allt står i ett förråd i Sverige. Jag saknar inte så många saker som jag trodde jag skulle göra, men jag saknar dessa: Min bästa kaffekopp, mina favorittallrikar, min mixer (till smoothies), mina pyssel- och skrivsaker och min skrivmaskin (till brevskrivande). Plus ljuset i min gamla lägenhet, mitt nuvarande kök har inte ens ett fönster.


  1. Ahh these are such beautiful pictures - what a lovely kitchen. Just think how much pleasure you'll get out of getting those plates, cups, typewriter and crafty things back again. They'll seem brand new to you once again! x

  2. Hej. Vad valde du för typ av förråd? Jag tror jag måste ställa saker i förråd i Malmö tills jag hittat mer långvarig lösning i Stockholm. Är helt handfallen, vet inte ens vad jag skall tänka i prisväg. Snälla, ge tips.

    1. Har tyvärr inga tips, hyr ett förråd i min hemstad. Lycka till i sökandet!

  3. Lovely photos! I love your space and the things in it! <3

  4. I'm about to buy a typewriter identical to that one! and I'm in Argentina. The lady at the thrift store looked at me somewhat puzzled, didn't believe a 32 year old would be interested in one ;)

    it's almost the same model but it's another brand, and it says "made in Italy". I'm so excited to have it already!

    btw, so beautiful light in your Sweden apartment... delightful!

    happy sunday!

  5. Oh wow look at your beautiful old apartment! The light is so gorgeous and the view is so beautiful! It's so interesting for me and so different to my view from my Tokyo apartment!
    How exciting you're on a new adventure in Oslo now! Wonderful! And your write letters too? How great! I would love to receive a letter from you one day!
    I hope I can meet you one day!
    All of these images are incredibly beautiful as usual!
    Love Sandwich

    1. I'd love to meet you too! I think about going back to Tokyo often, hopefully it will happen some day!
      Email me your address and I'll send you a letter! :)

  6. Jeg kan virkelig godt forstå at du savner alt det .. Det ser simpelthen så flot, hyggeligt og personligt ud! Fantastiske billeder, elsker virkelig din måde at fotografere på!

  7. it's interesting seeing what really affects us the most, and what we miss about our day-to-day lives, once we've changed places and things...it's like when you take a vacation - there's always a few things that you remember more than anything else about where you went. anyway, i'm glad you've got these photos to keep you company...and even *i* will miss the light in your old kitchen...it was always so warm + welcoming! :)

  8. In the same case, I would miss my things too...

  9. Such lovely light you've captured! Beautiful slice-of-life photos. xx

  10. Du tager nogle fantastiske billeder! Hold da op.

    Og så forstår jeg godt, at du savner dine ting, for de er fine - men især lyset i køkkenet er svært at tage med sig. Jeg ønsker mig også en skrivemaskine - jeg leder efter én med lys og lygte.

  11. The light in that kitchen is glorious.

  12. Enjoy living in Oslo! I've been there 3 times so far, hoping to move there in the future. Looking forward to seeing photos of your life there.


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