
wedding : stacey & daniel

.9952 .9996 .0069 .0169 .0471 .0043 .0576 .9872 .0320 This past weekend, I took a tour of Stockholm's city hall and was reminded that I still haven't posted Stacey and Daniel's wedding photos! It was the coldest "summer" day ever back in June and they were such troopers. They had decided to celebrate their day just the two of them, so it was an honor to be a part of it. I'd love to shoot another wedding at the city hall, the courtyard is full of great backdrops.

I helgen var jag på en guidad tur av Stadshuset i Stockholm och blev påmind om att jag inte visat Stacey och Daniels bröllopsbilder därifrån än! Det var den kallaste regnigaste "sommar"-dagen någonsin och de var så tålmodiga. De hade bestämt sig för att fira dagen helt på tu man hand så det var en ära att få vara en del av den. Jag skulle gärna fota fler bröllop i Stadshuset, innergården och trapphuset är fulla av fina bakgrunder.


  1. Så himla fint! Speciellt fjärde bilden!

  2. Congratulations to the couple! Very nice photo concepts right there ;)

  3. They are beautiful! I love the dynamic shown between them in those beautiful pictures!

    Olive xox

  4. so cute & very happy!


  5. what a cute couple! and ohmy, how much do i love the idea of strawberry bunches in her flower bouquet!? gah! looks perfect! :)

  6. love the photograph of the couple kissing in the ivy, classic!

    Lillian Spibey Photography


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