
japan randoms

.7903 .7779 .7795 .7493 .7860 I dove into my Japan photo archive today to start re-editing photos for a little project and just wanted to share these randoms with you. I still think about going back every single day. Hopefully it will happen sooner rather than later...

Jag dök in i mitt Japanarkiv idag för att börja redigera om foton till ett litet projekt och ville bara dela några på måfå valda bilder med er. Jag tänker fortfarande på att åka tillbaka varenda dag. Förhoppningsvis blir det hellre förr än senare...


  1. these are so wonderful. wow. i miss japan!

  2. it would be so neat to live with a little creek outside your front door (like in the last shot)! what a pretty place to live out life. i can see why you want to go back! :)

  3. I can't wait to see more of your photos from Japan. I especially love the movement of the water in the last photo. Dreamy! Hope you've had a great weekend, Hilda!

  4. These pictures make me long to visit even more. One day, I hope.

  5. Thank you! Made me happy. I want these pictures to be the last ones I watch tonight. Now I go to sleep and I hope I get many lolvely dreams about Japan. As lovely as your pictures.

  6. i never get tired of seeing your japan photos, you make japan look so fresh and beautiful! hope you can come back soon!!

  7. Look really great, love the first pic, thanks for sharing!

  8. The last photo is magical!!
    I love your blog Hilda!


  9. The settings at last pictures are perfectly showing Japan. xo
    ~ Herman Swan

  10. I miss Japan too, your post is a lovely reminder :)

  11. I have never been to Japan but I am planning to go there soon. Anyway, the last photo caught my attention. I want to visit that place. Maybe it isn't that pretty but the place looks very surreal. Where in Japan is it?

  12. It's in Kyoto! I couldn't tell you exactly where, but it's a block or so away from the/a bigger river.

  13. I love your blog (jag pratar Svenska ocksa)...I lived in Tokyo, Japan for 9 years. I haven't been back in 15 years, although I think about it constantly. I miss Japan! I love your photos, makes me miss it even more. <3


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