
2010 recap: december




In December, I spent all my time working on things for the Christmas market at school, introduced the 2011 wall calendar Andrea and I made in the shop, spent two Saturday nights with great friends, made several batches of fudge, prepared for my Japan trip, finally registered my own company and flew off to Tokyo where I spent Christmas and New Years. 2010 has been a great year, I hope 2011 will be even better. Happy New Year everyone! I'll be back soon with a billion photos and stories to share.


2010 recap: november




In November, I visited Andrea (who was cat sitting) in Stockholm, went around the Sound with my parents, started the Christmas season early, got a big white desk, made a lot of book clocks, got published in ELLE Girl Korea, started baking again, spent a weekend with my family and went on a snowy walk and baked gingerbread cookies, and I put up Christmas decorations in the apartment.


2010 recap: october




In October, I spent a weekend with my whole family in Småland, heard Elisabeth Dunker give a lecture in Copenhagen, went on a class trip to Berlin and went to flea markets (where I got a Lomo LC-A for 16€), an art fair, an abandoned amusement park and lovely cafés, shot 10 photos on 10/10/10, spent two weekends at my sister's, got a photo essay published in Uppercase Magazine and booked a flight to Japan.


2010 recap: september




In September, I got a new computer, walked across the city, loosened up the strict diet 20 kgs (44 lbs) lighter, visited my sister who moved to Linköping and had one of the best weekends of the year, enjoyed the coming of fall, had long weekend breakfasts and started selling book clocks on a regular basis.


2010 recap: august




In August, I shot my third wedding, started drinking coffee, said goodbye to the summer job and the west coast and returned to Malmö, fought pest in my kitchen, went back to school, bought a new camera lens, went to Malmö music festival, worked on collages, went flea market hunting and had hotel brunch with Sanna and Ben and enjoyed the last warm days.


2010 recap: july




In July, I shot my sister's graduation photos, went to Båstad for ice cream with my work friends, had two weeks off from work and went on a roadtrip with my parents on which we stopped at Ebba's fik in Helsingborg and ended in Malmö, barbecued on the beach at sunset with my family, had a great but hot week in Berlin and then went back to work.


2010 recap: june




It was hard to just pick three photos from this month. In June, my sister went to prom and graduated high school, I shot my second wedding in Stockholm, started working at my summer job, ate fjällfil on the porch, spent Midsummer's eve working (after a walk to the beach and having strawberries with milk) and documented the details of my summer house. At the end of the month, Andrea came to visit and we went on a roadtrip, had taco pizza, went thrifting, barbecued marshmellows on the cliffs and started talking about going to Japan.


2010 recap: may




In May, I opened my online shop, screen printed tote bags and posters, biked to the beach, documented my camera collection, shot my first wedding, got new glasses, painted my toenails red and it started to feel like summer was coming.


2010 recap: april




In April, my family visited me for my birthday and we went to both Copenhagen and Smygehuk; I shot plenty of film with different cameras, scored great vintage things in both thrift stores, my grandfather's storage space and at flea markets, decided to lose weight and started a strict low-carb diet, and I had a photo published in a book.


2010 recap: march




In March, I fell in love with the interiors of Café Valand and Bio Rio in Stockholm, went to some of the best fleamarkets ever, photographed the small town charm of my home town, made a smoothie a day, enjoyed the start of spring, organized my film negatives and borrowed a Hasselblad camera from school.


2010 recap: february




In February, I gorged on semlor, made a photo wall, thrifted plenty of good stuff, went to Copenhagen with my brother and his girlfriend, made a stop-motion video, photographed my vintage collections by color, spent a week-long break at my parents', discovered Yogi tea and loved the fact that my friend Sanna moved here from Chicago.


2010 recap: january




Last year I did this in Swedish only. This year it's English only, I hope that's ok!
Over these last 12 days of 2010 I will be posting my three favorite photos from each month of the year with a short summary of what I did that month. Starting, of course, with January. I spent the first week at my parents' house in Småland, found my mother's old paint supplies, finally felt settled enough in my apartment to photograph it, shot more polaroid than digital and made several batches of cookies with Reese's peanut butter pieces.








Jag letade igenom mitt arkiv idag och hittade några bilder som aldrig kommit upp på bloggen. Som en bonus får ni hur jag ser ut när jag borstar tänderna, för det har ni ju alltid undrat.

I looked through my archives today and found these random shots that never made it onto the blog. The one of me brushing my teeth is just a bonus, hah. I know you've always wanted to know what I look like while doing that.


a completely different camera










Det här är min morfars kamera. Han hade ett mörkrum hemma i badrummet där han framkallade och kopierade själv (och lärde min mamma att göra detsamma). Tyvärr sålde han hela den utrustningen för en hundralapp när ingen annan var intresserad. Men kamerautrustningen är komplett. I väskan ligger massor av filter och annat som jag knappt vet vad det är för något. Skamligt nog har jag inte ens provat kameran än. Men jag ser fram emot att göra det när dagarna blir lite längre. Den är så himla fin.

PS. Bara två dagar kvar på rean i min shop!

This is my grandfather's camera. He had a darkroom in the bathroom, where he developed and copied all his photos (and taught my mother how to). Unfortunately, he sold all his equipment for almost nothing once when nobody else wanted it. But his camera gear is still intact. In the bag are plenty of filters and other things I don't even know what they're for. Shame on me; I haven't even tried the camera yet. But I look forward to doing so when the days get longer. It's such a beauty.

PS. Only two days left on the sale in my shop!